Semalam pada jam 3.25 petang, sukarelawan-sukarelawan daripada IBM telah tiba di Lapangan Antarabangsa Pulau Pinang dan penulis telah menunggu kehadiran mereka di Krysal Suite. Mereka seramai 9 orang dan daripada pelbagai latar belakang dan negara. Setelah "check in", penulis dan mereka termasuklah bos menuju ke Georgetoen kerana bos ingin membawa mereka rasa sup "Hameed" yang popular di Georgetown...
selepas makan kami telah berborak-borak di pantai berhampiran dan di situlah bermula persoalan-persoalan berkenaan Islam dan penulis cuba jawab agar salah faham mereka tentang Islam dapat diatasi.

1. Are you wearing scaft all the times??
- yes, expecially when i out from my room for example go to class and work but i dont wear it in my house.
2. Are you wearing "white" scaft all rthe time?
- No.I have plenty of colours of scaft.
3. Why Arab they wear all in black??Why they cover their face??why Malaysian no??
- Ok...good question..that is their tradition. In Malaysia, u can wear any colour u want but if u wear red cloth in Arab, they will think u are "carzy"...why they cover their face??thats also their tradition but in Islam. women need to cover their whole body except FACE and HANDS. (berpeluh penulis nak menjawab soalan mereka)
4. Do you still need to cover your head when among girls in room??
No. we dont have but we still have to take care our "aurat".(penulis pun terangkanlah secara mendalam apa itu aurat lelaki dan perempuan)
5. In Canada, my friend wear scaft but different then you. she wear scaft and hat. it is look modern but some women dont like it. why??and you look like modern Islam too.
-No.I'm not modern Islam because no status like that in Islam. Islam is suitable to all culture. U can adapt the culture without against Islam's Rule.(dok jenuhla terangkan kat depa semua apa yang dibenarkan oleh Islam, dan apa yang tidak)
6. Do you have any problem while working with not Islam?
- Thank to God. i dont have to face much problem while working with not Islam as you know my bos is not Islam too...what important is you respect each other religion and belif..and it will be fine.
sekian sahaja soalan yang mampu diterangkan dalam tulisan sebab penulis menghadapi masalah untuk terangkan dalam penulisan.Penulis akan bersama mereka selama sebulan. Penulis akan cuba membuat mereka faham budaya Islam di Malaysia agar isu ISLAMOFOBIA dapat dikurangkan.
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